Wednesday, April 18, 2012
6 Months..Perseverance? I think yes!
Dear friend,
Today marks my 6 month anniversary living a plant strong life--come visit Spinach and Apples and hear my best tips for the same success.
And of course day 8 brought exercise in the form of a 1 hour service project--double awesome!
xo Viv
Monday, April 16, 2012
four, five and six, seven
Dear friend,
I am all about multitasking this week...I have had so much fun this last week--I have had two guests visiting both 12 years old and all the excitement that entails. We got very creative this week with exercise...
April 13...2 hour Rec. Center visit-volleyball, jogging, basketball, tag, and walking
April 14...1 1/2 hours of dancing in a mosh pit to the Spazmatics {an 80's cover band}
April 15...Sunday rest.
April 16...A big red wagon walk/ jog with Izz and her silly friend Hads.
This may not be marathon training but I have decided balance and longevity is what I wish for...I want activity to be part of my life and not a scheduled hour. I very rarely sit down in a day unless I am driving, I am always moving and multitasking is the only way for me to accomplish all the fun things I want to do so...I will feel great about it, especially because so much if it I share with my little Izz. I know I will never regret that(:
xo Viv
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Day 2: Walking backwards
Today was, yes, the title is correct...walking backwards. I took Izz on a blustery day walk...we took a crepe paper roll and made a kite and we were headed off to see the ducks in a nearby neighborhood. Little did we know that the wind had other plans. As I attempted to walk so that Izz did not endure the brunt of the bluster I had to walk backwards for at least 2 miles of our walk and my calves have never felt more sore. Did I look silly? Yes. But, the smiles on the face of the people driving by were hilarious and the adventure was fun, Izz thought is was so silly and giggled the whole way. Oh, did I paint the picture vivid enough...Me a jogging stroller and giant backward strides. I wish I could have seen that (:
xo Viv
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Day 1: Birthday Countdown
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New version of the calendar printable, click here! |
Free Printable Calendar
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Click here to print your calendar! |
As promised here is a fun calendar to mark your moving mayhem. I made it blank so we can use it over and over as we put some strength into this year.
Have a happy day!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A few numbers: 48--6--26--30
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For this free print click here! |
Dear friends,
48 is for 48 days. 48 days since my last post.
I have been MIA but I am back now, yay! In February I was so excite to share a new series I was going to be writing called Plant-strong pregnancy but before I was ready to unveil it, things changed and I experienced my first miscarriage. Read more about it here if you would like. I learned so much and have come away from the experience with such an immense gratitude for life and the miracle that it is. I believe in life we experience storms but those storms are only to steer us in the right direction, if they are accepted with humility and grace we are allowed the greatest opportunity for growth and learning and I am humbled by all I was allowed to learn.
6 is for weight lost-26 pounds down!
From a body standpoint my hormones caused a small weight fluctuation but within a month I was feeling better and not only dropped the little bit from the hormone craziness but lost another 6. Yes I weighed myself this week and am down 6 more lbs. making that a total of 26 lbs. lost since becoming plant strong in November. The amazing thing to me is if I had endured the same experiences I have gone through before becoming plant strong, not only would I be dealing with the storm of those experiences I would have forgotten about whatever diet I was on and I would have went into survival mode. This time I felt that my health was part of that crucial life raft that was going to help me come out of it better than at the onset.
30 is for a birthday coming up in 30 days, my birthday!
I am so excited for this birthday, I am not totally sure what it is but I do know it is ushering in a year I will look back on with fondness forever, I can feel it. There is a book I bought my hubby for Easter, a children's book, called A Good Day by Kevin Henke. It begins with Squirrel losing her nut, Dog getting tangled up, Fox losing her mother, and Bird losing her feather. And then it comes to a page filled with colorful stripes that says, "But then.." I feel like my family right now is in that page, our life is in that precipice of what is to come. There is so much hope and excitement here. In the book the Squirrel finds a bigger nut, fox turns around and finds her mom, Dog untangles himself and romps through the dandelions and the bird forgets his lost feather and flies higher than he ever has before and a little girl finds the feather, tucks it behind her ear, and runs to her mother saying...what a good day it is.
To begin this year the right way I am going to aim big in health...I am dedicating myself to 1 hour of different exercise each day until my birthday. I am going to post a printable chart tomorrow if you want to follow along, with the exception of Sundays, I am going to post a candle with a description of the exercise each day--so that I hold myself to it. Here is my list of exercises that I have so far but I need your help...
Long Board
Power Board
Kick Boxing
Wagon pulling
Okay...I am 12 short so if you have any ideas...please help me finish my list and...
if you see me skipping down the road you will know why, I am just getting creative.
Here's to 30!
Update: Here are the calendar posts-
Monday, February 20, 2012
Wait...this is what I meant.
Dear friend,
Well, I so loved this saying left on my facebook by a friend that made it into a logo. As I was sharing it on Pinterest and Facebook I noticed something. Not everyone understood what I was trying to say. So, I googled the saying to see if there was anything else out there similar to what I was thinking and here is what I found--people were using it in terms of rock hard abs strong is the new skinny, like to replace the Kate Moss version of skinny with Jillian Micheals skinny.
In fact while we are on the Jillian point--I know she has motivated a lot of people to get fit but in an interview I saw on late night--that woman believes that if her fitness were taken away from her she would be nothing, I don't even think she would like the woman left over...she spoke very harshly of her former self with quite a bit of distain. This is not what I was trying to express when I created this image.
I was trying to express what living a plant strong-whole foods life has given me. A holistic acceptance of myself. I am strong--not rock hard ab strong-- but strong in that I know who I am and no matter the size
It's a mental clarity mixed with will power and motivation to continue forward in reaching my full potential.
Strong to me is achieving my optimal health not just physically but mentally and spiritually.
And the only way to do this is by accepting yourself, seeing your beauty without qualifiers, without comparisons, without criticism.
Be good to yourself with the gift of healthy fuel, invigorating exercise, kind words, and your own best friend, don't belittle yourself or live your life as if your happiness must sit on the shelf until this is defined or that is slimmed down...just take care of yourself.
Keep harmful things out and put helpful things in and I promise, the peace of mind, the clarity, the kindness it allows you to give yourself is worth so much more than that image you have of the perfect physique.
If your self worth, your view of yourself hinges on the outward--what happens when you age, if, heaven forbid, your physical appearance is changed with illness, or an accident. Love yourself for that deep beauty you possess and reach for the full potential inside of you.
A woman who can truly see her own beauty is priceless, that simple knowledge creates so much power.
I was 10 when I can first remember looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw... and it took me almost two decades to change that.
I can not remember the last time I said a negative comment to myself--and to me that is truly amazing.
It frees up so much of my time and energy to focus the things that really matter, I don't stand in my own way makes me feel as if I can do anything.
And I can.
With love,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Reboot Days 2-7
Hey Y'all,
Soo, I'm sure you're eager to know how the reboot has been so far for me. Well, to be honest, it's been a roller-coaster. I decided to start my reboot when my husband was out of town and taking care of 3 kids under 5. Yes, I'm certifiably crazy, but I couldn't wait and wanted to do this reboot immediately. I'm still detoxing (Day 8) and so I haven't reached that happy place with this program yet. Maybe I should watch Happy Gilmore again to find that 'happy place'. All jokes aside, some days are good and I have a little more steam and exercising doesn't seem so much of a bear...and some days, I am literally pulling myself around from place to place, b/c my energy level is so low.
And then, the dreaded happened on Sunday...I got this flu/cold thing and feel like junk. But, I kept a mini-journal and here is how is goes:
1 apple
3 carrots
1/4 pineapple
1 lime
1" ginger
day 6: Felt AWFUL. Came down with virus and lounged around a lot today. Craving FOOD.
day 7: Felt Junky from Flu and was zapped of energy. Elliptical 20 minutes. My food cravings are insane right now. My dad sent me a new blade for my juicer to see if that would make a did a lot, but it still has it's psycho moments. It's a really temperamental juicer. I foresee a juicer purchase in the future. I made my family a vegetable Penne for dinner and I almost cheated. It looked so good. I miss food.
Today is day 8 and I still feel awful. I would vouch to say I feel worse, so I'm hoping this is going to end soon. Juicing while sick has not been fun. The pounds are melting off, though. I have lost over 5 lbs.
Do I think I can last 60 days? I'm taking it 1 day at a time. I am trying to listen to my body. It's so hard to know what's typical, b/c I don't think there are any typical results...everyone is so different. I am dealing with hypoglycemia, so I have to be really careful with the whole sugar intake (not too much carrot, beet or fruit juice). I only do 1 meal in the morning of fruit and the rest veggie, which has seemed to work out okay. The past 3 days, though, I have been hungrier, and the 3 quarts of juice that I'm drinking + the 100 oz. of water has just not been enough and I am hungry and light-headed. So, I'm thinking I'm going to have to make more juice than I had intended.
I am taking it day-by-day. I know there are good benefits to me doing this, but taking care of 3 small kids and juicing and SICK is just crazy. I wish I could go to sleep and have a juice i.v. and wake up 30 days later.
I know, this doesn't seem like a very motivating post, so, okay, here's the motivating part----I JUST MADE A WEEK MILESTONE-YAY!!. Quite frankly, I think 8 days without food is amazing. My goal is another week and to take it from there. I CAN DO IT!!! I'm hoping by that time, I can feel an energy boost and some euphoria to push me through the next 2 weeks.
Tata for now!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Another late post from Fifi
Hi ya'll.
Sorry, I'm late again this week.
I got together with the gals earlier this week and we had some amazing juice. I'm now watching "fat, sick and nearly dead" and I'm itching to start my first juice fast.
I'm going to try 10 days started February 15th.
As for this past week, I lost another 2 lbs, so that brings my weight loss to a total of 6 lbs.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
MOVE and here is why...
Well hello there...
As you know if you have read previous posts, I am totally converted to a plant strong way of life. I know the benefits, I have felt them, I cherish them, and I will never go back to the way I felt before. It has changed my whole life. I am ready for the next hurdle, the next challenge. In my next series of posts I am going to convince myself of the importance of exercise--so much so that I will not go a day without it. How am I going to do this? Just as I have built the eating, information, knowledge and of course the action. I am going to move as I learn and here is the first convincing piece of information, for me and for you...
A friend on facebook shared the following quote and I think it is perfect for the beginning of this journey:
"We should all be as fit as we can be—that’s good Word of Wisdom doctrine. That means eating right and exercising and helping our bodies function at their optimum strength. We could probably all do better in that regard. But I speak here of optimum health; there is no universal optimum size.
(Elder Jeffery Holland)"
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A New ME! Day 1
SOOoooo, I have been keeping a little secret. Eating the P90X diet was not making me feel the greatest. In fact, I may have been losing weight, but I was super sick a lot and just drained of energy. There were some underlying health concerns that needed to be addressed. I'm still exercising, but I have a slightly new direction. I have really been feeling the need to do a juice fast...simply b/c there are lots of health things going on that I know need to be healed from the inside.
I watched a documentary on Netflix called 'Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead' on Sunday. Thanks Viv! It changed my life. It changed my way of thinking. We as a whole are not eating the way we were meant to eat. Just thinking about only getting 5-10% of nutrition out of our processed food is just amazing. No wonder we're starving and wanting more and more all of the time. We are starving ourselves fat!!!
It just opened my eyes and starting today folks, yes, today, I started the beginning of my 60 day juice reboot. If you're not familiar with the reboot, it's a product of the above documentary. The link to their site is:
I'm not posting pix of myself until the reboot is over. However, my beginning stats are 132.4 pounds; my goal is to just start a new lifestyle. I want to eat healthy for life. I want to eat more veggies. I want to follow this great food pyramid that they talk about on "F,S,&ND' by Dr. Fuhrman:
So, on to some great pix. I was blown away by how many veggies I got to 'drink' today. Here is Breakfast:
I did the 'Green Juice' that Joe does on the documentary. It yields about 4 cups. Here is what it looks life before going into my wonderful 25 year old Omega Juicer...which still to this day juices like a champ. Nothing beats an Omega. Love that monster.
For lunch, I had my own little concoction, we'll call 'The Red Bullet'. It also yielded about 4 cups and wasn't quite as tasty as the Green Juice, but still okay.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sorry - I missed a week!
Hey guys,
Fifi here. Guess what? By eating right and 'sticking to it' I have lost 4.6 pounds (total).
So, since we started, I am down 4.6 and I am happy with that (for sure!).
Really the only thing I've been doing is working out consistently and not eating after dinner. Also, I feel like I've been eating much more clean. More fruits and veggies, less starches and processed food.
And that's it for me this week.
Good luck,
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
To WEIGH, OR NOT to Weigh
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Love this picture-KEEP IT UP! |
Dear friend,
I came home from my weekend a little tired:) Why do vacations always do that? You go to get rejuvenated and come home with wonderful memories and heavy eyelids. Eating was awesome, I brought:
- a big batch of fajita pasta salad for everyone
- a gallon size bag of cut up veggies
- a bag of grapes
- a few oranges, bananas, and apples
- a quart of Almond milk
- 2 bottles of nutty spread and two bottles of fruit spread
- a hearty loaf of wheat bread
- plus a bar of dark chocolate
I am going to measure every 3 weeks and gauge my progress by how I feel- lean, strong, healthy then A for me. As I exercise and give the best fuel to my body I will achieve my goal of toning up and feeling great and that has nothing to do with weight and that monster scale. Because of my thyroid I need to keep a tab on my weight periodically but my Drs office has told me I may slip in once in a while to weigh--so GOODBYE scale and HELLO health.
We need to stop and realize how much we have to GAIN not how much weight there is left to lose--Health, Energy, Strength, Quality of life, the list is endless--our bodies are the vehicles by which we carry out our purpose here on Earth. I don't know about you but I want mine to be a Bentley.
Here is to strength without scales--whew I feel better already!
Monday, January 30, 2012
P90X Day 30-Small Progress
So, as I have reviewed this past month, I am disappointed in myself. Not so much in the weight lost/inches lost, but in my ability to not be committed. I noticed that as time went on, if a little bump in the road came up, it would almost paralyze me and make it so hard for me to pick myself back up the next day and inadvertently, I didn't. It was a spiritual lesson for me that I hope to always remember....
As with anything in life, when bad things happen, or when we are de-motivated, the thing that we should do and the thing that would help the most, is usually the last thing that we want to do. This weekend has been a rich learning experience for me...because I learned a lesson that applies to everyone, everywhere both spiritually and every other way. I read a talk yesterday by President Thomas S. Monson (The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). It's entitled "Living the Abundant Life". It was awesome. I had read it before, but this time got so much more out of it.
First of all, have a positive ATTITUDE, secondly, BELIEVE in yourself and others. He goes on to say, "Don’t limit yourself and don’t let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do. Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities. You can achieve what you believe you can. Trust and believe and have faith." and thirdly, have COURAGE. "Courage is required to make an initial thrust toward one’s coveted goal, but even greater courage is called for when one stumbles and must make a second effort to achieve. Have the determination to make the effort, the single-mindedness to work toward a worthy goal, and the courage not only to face the challenges that inevitably come but also to make a second effort, should such be required. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”
Like Tony Horton says, "Keep pushing play...keep pushing play" It's so true. In order for us to reach that goal we have so desired, we need to keep moving forward. We can fall down, but we need to have the courage to get back up....and we will, in time, reach that much desired station in life.
Weight: 132.2 (-4.4 LBS)
Arms: 12"
Waist: 29.5" (-.5)
Navel: 32" (-5.5)
Hips: 38 (-1.5)
Top Thigh: 22.5" (-1)
Top Knee: 14"
Chest-32" (-.5)
Calves: 13, 13.25"
Friday, January 27, 2012
P90X Day what?! What just happened?
Looks like the 'failure' moment has finally come to a head. I am so ready to move on and be better--really...promise...pinky promise.
Soooo, what went wrong, you ask?
Well, Saturday night was welcomed by the worst stomach virus EVER for me and my 3 kids---all at the same time. It went on for days and by the time Monday rolled around (the start of day 21), I was down to 128 pounds---yes folks, that's over 5 lbs. of fluid loss. When I was looking at myself in the mirror on Monday, I was like, hey, lookin' good (aside from the ashy gray appearance). I thought it unfair to post on Monday, or Tuesday for that matter, b/c I was still gaining water weight that was lost. Now, that it's Friday, I think I am pretty much back to normal, but I was not able to exercise until Thursday.
So, long story-short, I have stabilized to 132.4. So, I was able to lose 2 lbs. this week--hoorah! I'm really excited to post measurement results---I am so excited for you to see what has happened just in a month. Exciting stuff.
Not a stellar week, however, we have to make room for life that happens to get in the way of what we perceive as perfection. Next week, I'm gonna bring it!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Off to Eden
...Eden, Utah that is.
I am postponing my weigh in to Monday due to a family vacation in the lovely little town of Eden.
Pros: family time, hot tub in the snow, carriage ride with the elk herd, kiddie sledding hill, beautiful surroundings
Cons: exercise is questionable, only two restaurant options, and I don't want to be odd man out but I do want to stick to my guns and eat healthy
Solution: I am armed with my cooler full of fruit and veggies, my blender, Amy's Organic Soups, Nutty spread and some homemade {DELICIOUS, might I add} spicy fruit butter and some whole wheat bread. I am going to take notes about traveling plant strong especially to two horse towns and share my lovely results next week.
Wish me luck!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Week 2: The grades are coming up?!
Dear friend,
Okay here's the rundown--I feel good I have been kind to myself but had a flash today of self consciousness...why you ask?
Because of that silly scale-we should send them all into outer space if you ask me.
I haven't regularly been weighing myself and so this is something I am not liking but it does give me some insight to share with those wishing to lose weight eating a plant strong diet. This week I did not juice so I had a sweet tooth:) I only ate good for me food like instant cookie dough (see the recipe here) and dark chocolate and these delicious little soy based coconut bars my hubby brought me but moderation is still key and I may have got a D in moderation if it was one of my classes included on the report card.
So what am I going to do this week?
For one CELEBRATE that even on a week where I gain a little I am happy and doing good things for my body, even when I have something to refine diet wise I still know this week I have combated cancer, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, and I love that!
But for the plan-keep up the good fight in getting more exercise for my body, focus on the veggies and fruit, I swear it's the little secret of weight loss, and be kind to myself.
Also, I have been eating quickly this week without preping my food, which means more grains and less fruits and veggies, grains (whole grains) are not bad but when aiming at weight loss it is important to outweigh them with the more prep and more variety for me this week.
How about you, did you fight the good fight? Were you kind to yourself? Tell me about it...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
What's on the Menu?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I love being inspired.
My friend Fifi inspired me with her last post. I love having inspiring friends, people around you that make you reach higher, press forward, and become more. I am blessed in this area...I have many I can look to, to help me become my more and Fifi and Evey are two of these beautiful people.
When I am inspired it usually leads to something I can share because my inspiration usually leads to something visual. honor of Fifi and her sweet mom's poem, which I can hear in the voice of my grandma, I have some free printables for you.
I made one for myself to hang next to the mirror in my bathroom but depending on your resolve for 2012 perhaps you might hang it by the treadmill or the fridge or in the treat cupboard next to the chocolate chips;}
Sleep tight and stick to it...
Just click and print...
{Resolve Mini Poster in Gradient and Grey}
til it sticks to you
Hi all.
Fifi here.
I tried a new thing this week. I tried, for a week, to eat Vegan until dinner every day. Was I perfect? No. But something funny happened.
I realized how much my body craved fruits and vegetables. I juiced every morning, and most days for lunch, as well. I piled my plate full of vegetables for dinner and stocked my fridge full of produce.
The results? I lost the .5 lb I Virginia-gained and another .5 lb. Amazing? No. Am I discouraged? A little.
But, as I stepped of the scale this morning, a poem my mom had us all memorize in toddlerhood popped in my head. It reads:
Stick to your task until it sticks to you,
Beginners are many but enders are few.
Honor, power, place and praise,
Will always come to the one who stays.
Stick to your task until it sticks to you,
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too.
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile,
Will come life’s victories, after awhile.
This was a bit of our motto growing up, and although I've recited it millions of times, the 27.5 diets I've started would laugh, knowing I usually do anything BUT what the poem suggests (stop chuckling, Atkins. You too, Southbeach!).
Which is why I'm so dieted out. So sick of following 'programs' set out by people trying to make a buck.
And then, on the flip side, there's that whole genre of buck-makers writing books claiming "diets don't work". Well...come on obese America....we all know that NOT dieting doesn't work either.
So what does work?
I think it's there between the lines of that poem. Stick-to-it-iveness works. Sticking to an exercise plan. Sticking to choosing the right fuel for your body, and so on. Because, research shows, most diets WORK if you stick to them.
So, that's my goal for next week, sticking to an exercise plan (a goal to run every day and weight lift 3 times a week) and planning and carrying out healthy, produce-filled meals.
Carpe diem. But after you're done seizing it, seize the next day and the next....
Monday, January 16, 2012
P90X Day 14.....Sidetracked!
Hello dear friends, it's your pal Evey. I was not expecting the results to be as they were this past week. I have to admit, I was expecting some positive gains. I have been actively keeping my diet around 1500 calories. I know, I know, I don't usually calorie count, but this P90X has it so drilled in your head, I can almost count, without counting, if you know what I mean. I am exercising 6 days a week, but this past week, I have just been physically drained. I don't know what it is. I am physically exhausted and usually exercise is supposed to do the opposite.
I started having pains in my lower left abdomen (ovaries) and also noticed a bulge down there (possible cysts). I went to the doctor to tell him my woes, because instead of actually losing a pound, I managed to gain a pound back. There is no way that I actually consumed an additional 3500 calories. No way. He seemed a little concerned and said that if I did have a cyst/PCOS, that that would contribute dramatically to not losing weight. My body has just been feeling super bloated and I'm physically sick to my stomach now.
So, the next step for me is an ultrasound tomorrow followed by a visit on Friday to see what's up. Sure, it's discouraging, however, I'm more concerned about my health at this point than anything else. There is no point in me losing all this weight, if I am physically unwell in the long run.
I will continue to exercise, however, very lightly, as I am just exhausted. So, for the statistics:
-2.6 (the running total).
Oh, and I only took pictures of my dinner tonight. I totally forgot to take pictures of my breakfast and lunch! So, the following pictures are: 2 cups of homemade butternut squash soup; and a chicken pesto caprese sandwich on homemade whole wheat french bread. I'm not a food photographer, to say the least. Sorry. The chicken sandwich consisted of:
4 oz. chicken breast marinated in balsamic vinaigrette
1 oz. of fresh mozarella cheese
pesto (smeared on the w.w. bread-used as a condiment)
This was the first time I made the butternut squash soup. Has anyone tried to peel one of those??? So not fun. I don't know if I'll have this soup least not this recipe. It had onions and apples in it and a hot curry powder. I was envisioning a hearty soup and it was sweet and oniony and hot at the same time. It was okay for the 1st cup...2nd cup, I couldn't even stomach.
The sandwich was divine. I could eat that all the time. It would also be great as a vegan version to marinade the veggies and roast them in the oven, with some yummy vegan rella cheese and all the other yummies on there. The bread was so good and vegan/vegetarian friendly as well, and I bet would taste even better toasted.
Overall, I want you to know that I am still on track. I am doing the best that I can. I know I'm not losing weight like the next girl, but I'm okay. You work with what you're given and the Lord makes up for the rest. I know that to be true. It all works out if you work your hardest.
Love, Evey
Friday, January 13, 2012
Vivian and her failing grade
SO I decided because I do no want my focus to be on the weight that I would present myself with a report card each week-mainly because I was a straight A student and anything but... will be the motivation I need to get going the next week.
As you can see my exercise is my downfall and that was my main goal. I without fail am going to at least get on the treadmill for 30 min a day. I am going to get up earlier than my daughter which is 5 am and I am going to go to the gym or run on the treadmill, I do swear.
This is a week of refining my schedule to give myself time to exercise--I think I can, I think I can--NO, I will, I will. Also, I need to eat more healthy things, not that I am eating unhealthy but I am not eating enough. It is important to take in more food when you are eating this way--imagine that, I lost 2 lbs and I need to eat more.
Tune in next week for our "What's on the Menu?" series that will give you a peek as to what is on OUR plates. And I will be guest blogging next week on the blog, spinach and apples about where to begin if you are looking to change your diet. I will be spotlighting a series of people that I am helping to change their eating habits--first is a teenage girl and her mom, next an engaged early 20's male, then a twenty-something career girl, and last a family of five. They all have different goals except one, to live healthier lives and to feel good.
Definitely-- good things--- to come!
Beauty Adjustment
...and see it in yourself.
For me I have always qualified beauty when it pertained to me. Inside I believed I was beautiful. I care about people, I love to help and share with others, I am creative and loving. I strive to be like my Father in Heaven and like my Elder brother Jesus Christ. I have done good things. I believe in others and want great things for everyone. I sincerely try with all my choices to make this world better by me being in it. But when I tried to apply that my outward appearance I failed miserably, I was awful and such a mean girl but only to myself. It didn't make sense to me because I looked at others struggling with the same issues and saw the goodness and beauty in them, why could I not see it in myself? As of 4 months ago this perspective changed. I undertook this new lifestyle, a new diet regime, a whole foods-plant based way of life, and it all changed. I am my own ally. I am stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually and I am grateful. I will no longer stand in my own way.
I wanted to share a couple of resources I happened upon today...the first is Operation Beautiful. Such a fantastic idea and I already illustrated a few post-its and have a printable planned for you. The mission of this woman is to improve the overall esteem of women in general by beginning a movement of kind acts--specific kind acts--go and take a look you won't regret it.
Two, this article in more eloquent words reflects my thoughts and I believe pin points a population-teenagers-that need uplifting in this area. I know every insecurity I had stemmed from those crucial years.
And last, a beautiful young girl named Victoria, beginning her own blog hoping to spread this same message--
"You are beautiful just as you are!"
We can improve our health, and take care of ourselves but that does not change who we are, we are what we put out into the world--don't let it be negative by the comments you make about yourself. Trash the trash talk and be your own ally, buoy yourself up each day by telling yourself of your innate worth and beauty. Be kind to yourself and it will make a bigger difference than any outward alteration you could make.Trust me--begin tomorrow by telling yourself how beautiful you truly are and in doing so begin a legacy of love for the girls who will follow in your footsteps.
McGilly this is for you--I am beautiful without qualification, beauty is me.
love. love.
Faith + Food
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Blunder Week
OKay, everyone else is going to have a banner week - that's how the first week is always supposed to be.
Well, we were in Virginia all week, eating my MIL's buttery-white floury- state-fair like food. I had great intentions of watching it and running my 1.5 miles everyday, it just didn't happen. Well, one day I ran 3 miles, but that's about it.
It's okay, though. I've learned from my mistakes and I'm not going to repeat them.
This week weigh in: +0.6
Monday, January 9, 2012
P90X Day 7
Well, so far I'm having great results on P90X. The good news is that I feel sore, so I know I'm doing some major work on my muscles. I'm drinking over a gallon of water per day and am getting into the routine of fixing the meals a little easier. I can actually feel the separate ab muscles underneath the layer of fat on my stomach, which I couldn't feel before. I am really wanting to have nice muscle structure---nothing too extreme, but it would be nice to see some muscle definition, so I'm hoping to achieve those results using this program. So, after reading Viv and Fifi's in-depth blogs, I felt kind of like I was cheating you of knowing me. I don't want to have a hard shell that is hard to crack through, so I'll tell you a little about me and the goals I want with this program.
First of all, I have always had that yearning to be in good shape. I have tried before, but it has never been a true lifestyle change. If you must know, I actually grew up in a health-food store----really! My parents opened up a health food store in '77 and it is still going strong today--my brothers are running their own stores. So, I really should have an edge on being healthy, you would think. And for the most part, I was. I wasn't super-fit, but from the time I was young, I remember making conscious efforts to try to exercise and 'lift weights' and all that jazz. Now, for the food. I have always had a love-hate relationship with food. I love food. I love food. And yet, I hate it at the same time. What I really hate is my lack-of-self control when it comes to being in the same room with certain foods, while I'm trying to abstain from them. I'm an emotional eater. I grew up in a very food-centered home. When we celebrated, food was the center. When I was sad, I would go to get something to eat (almost always unhealthy). When we had any special occasion or holiday---food was the celebrity. So, I feel hard-wired to the emotional aspect of food. I actually have vivid memories that I remember, because of the place we ate, or the thing I was eating at the moment. Weird, I know!
So, one of the goals I would like to attain through this program is to have a change of lifestyle, instead of this being just another diet. I truly want my life to change. Sometimes I wonder if I can do it. I want it bad enough, but I have known this way for so long, that it's really difficult to imagine another way...sometimes it's hard to really know how. But, I'm taking it day-by-day, and some how, some way I think my brain and body will realize that just because I'm sad, I really don't have to grab a candy bar or eat a piece of buttered cinnamon toast to feel good. That I can exercise or spend time with kids or pray or read my scriptures to get a better effect, and in the long run, become proud of myself, instead of guilt-ridden and unhealthier. I'm the first to admit that it's HARD. As I write this, I am thinking about food. But, if I can have success doing this, I know anyone with food-addiction/unhealthy food views can do this too.
My goal, because my fat % is pretty high, is to cut my fat % in half. I would love to be around 16-18%. Really, anything in that range and around 20% is pretty healthy. My 33% is not. The minimal amount of fat loss I would like to lose/week is around 1 pound/week. To me, that's doable. If I had a goal of 2 lbs./week I feel I would get discouraged too easily if it wasn't met. Right now, I am eating/burning so many calories through exercise, that I feasibly should be losing at least 1.5 lbs./week, but I also have to add in the margin of my body's rate of metabolism and what it feels like doing. So, my goal is 1 lb./week until I can get my body fat % down. I would love my goal to be achieved by mid-summer. But, as long as I'm on the road to being healthy, I am happy with whatever comes. So, be happy if you are going in the right direction. Be happy. Be happy. Being discouraged only makes you go backwards. I know some of you may not lose weight for a while. That's okay. You are exercising. You are doing better than you have done, so you are going i nthe right direction. If you put the same 'mass' of muscle next to fat, fat takes up more room than muscle. Muscle is more dense and weighs more than the same amount of fat. So, if you're not losing, it's probably because your muscles are really gearing up and growing and taking the space of that fat. Keep on keeping on....
So, for the results after week 1:
Weight loss: -3.6 lbs
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A Variation of Viv
Okay-this post should be difficult, this post should be hard but then I found this book--one of the weight loss books I made myself when I was at the beginning of this endeavor--February 21, 2002 to be exact. In a little over a month I will be at one decade in this journey to get fit, turning 30 in a little over 4 months and so excited when I look back at the wisdom I have gained in this area. I am not sad about posting these pictures I am ecstatic! I still have so much to learn and a lot to do but I am excited because I know I can do it! I look at myself and I say I am beautiful--I can say it because I feel so great on the inside--healthy and strong--and I know without a doubt I can help the outside match the inside....without further ado--a variation of Viv...
Here are the stats:
Hieght: 5'8
Weight: 159
I measured the same places I did 10 years ago, to the side in brackets is the inches I have lost since 2002.
Ankle: 8.75 {-1.25}
Calves: 14.25 {-2.25}
Knees: 14.50 {- 4}
Thighs: 23.5 {-5.5}
Hips: 40.5 {-13.5}
Waist: 35.5 {-9.5}
Bust: 37 {-13.5}
Upper Arm: 12 {-3.5}
Lower Arm: 9 {-2}
Shoulders: 42.5 {-7.5}
Neck: 12.5 {-2.5}
Pant size: 10 {-14 sizes}
I wrote these measurements down in 2002 after losing about 16lbs first, so this wasn't even my biggest, it's a little overwhelming.
Of everything I have learned here are the two that mean the most...
First, there is no quick fix and yes you can do a fad diet and lose weight but to feel good, to feel strong long term, {which by the way is even better than being thinner} you have to take care of your body. Put good things into it, support it with true nutrition and exercise and the weight will just come off. What's even better is when the focus shifts from the weight to taking care of yourself you are kinder to yourself and the weight still comes off, in fact for me it came off better than when I was depriving myself and beating myself up all the time.
And the second thing...
This was me...
The only two pictures that seem to have survived.
I truly believe it was not my weight that was holding me back it was how I was feeling, the weight was a symptom and not the cause. I was not taking care of myself--to be fair I hadn't yet learned how to take care of myself. I was "dieting" and I felt great when the scale showed good results but when it didn't, I felt horrible. Everything hinged on the numbers on that scale. When you feel horrible your motivation dies out and you are back to square one. I can honestly say I don't weigh myself for anything more now than curiosity. The weight loss is a byproduct of this way of eating because just taking care of myself feels so good. Over the last 10 years I have never been able to break through 170 and now I just broke through 160-- I am 4 lbs. from a weight I never thought I could reach and I feel awesome, I owe it all to living plant strong and my grandma for being my health advocate and to my hubby for always making me feel beautiful--no matter the size.
Funny that sounded like I was winning an award-but you know that is kinda how I feel.
Love. Love.
Meet the Three
Blog Archive
- My New Mantra...I want T-shirts.
- To WEIGH, OR NOT to Weigh
- P90X Day 30-Small Progress
- P90X Day what?! What just happened?
- Off to Eden
- Week 2: The grades are coming up?!
- What's on the Menu?
- Resolve
- til it sticks to you
- P90X Day 14.....Sidetracked!
- Vivian and her failing grade
- Beauty Adjustment
- Faith + Food
- Blunder Week
- P90X Day 7
- A Variation of Viv